Sunday, October 10, 2010

Spotlight On A Wonderful Cook, Decorator, and Lady: Shannon Imlay

I wanted to share the talents of a wonderful friend I've made on the Real Women of Philadelphia website and community.  Her name is Shannon Imlay and she is from Colorado.  Here in her own words is a little about Shannon:

I've been married for 28 years to my husband Mark, I have two wonderful children 18 and 21. My favorite thing is being a mom and I'm so glad God Blessed me with my children.
Last year I finally went back to school to get my certification in Floral Design (something I'd been wanting to do for a long time).I recently started my own business as a Floral Designer/Party Planner/Party Decorator Shanonigins.

Shannon has so many talents, but most of all she is a woman of great integrity and thoughtfulness.  Shannon has allowed me to share some photos of a beautiful table scape she designed for fall.  She also created the wonderful goodies shown here as well as put together the beautiful flower arrangements.  I knew you would enjoy these things and I am also including her recipes so you can re-create the tasty treats.  Enjoy and thank you Shannon for sharing your talent and love with so many.  You can follow Shannon on Youtube or on the Real Women of Philadelphia.
Her Total Package and Table Scape

Spooky Carmel Apples

Meringue Bones

Marshmallow Frankensteins

Marshmallow Frankensteins

You'll need the following ingredients:
pretzel sticks
mini choco-chips
green sugar sprinkles
corn syrup
white and black frosting
Break pretzel sticks into two pieces and put them in each side of marshmallow to make the "bolts".
Lightly brush marshmallows with corn syrup and sprinkle sugar evenly on marshmallows and pretzels.
Use writing decorator tip and draw on hair with black icing. (You can buy this in a tube)
Use writing decorator tip and draw on eyes and mouth with white icing and place a mini choco-chip in center of each eye.

Caramel Apples with Ghost
You'll need the following:
milk chocolate chips
white chocolate
black icing tube
long wooden dowels or sticks

Wash apples well and put truffle on top of apple.  Stick dowel through the truffle and then the apple.
Melt caramel and dip apple in the caramel and let set up and dry.  Melt choco chips and dip apple in the chocolate and let set up and dry.  Melt white chocolate and spoon over truffle to make ghost.  Make eyes and mouth on ghost with small tip on black icing tube.

Hope you enjoy these wonderful recipes from Shannon and if you have any questions, please post a comment and I will be sure to ask her or answer your questions myself.  Happy Fall.


  1. what a wonderful spotlight on Shannon, she is truly amazing!

  2. Hi Debbie- Shannon's work is beautiful, creative and fun! Great lady and wonderful work! Beth:)
